Estate Planning

Your Legacy By Design

Be Remembered The Way You Want

When it comes time to distribute your assets, will there be any doubt or confusion about who gets what?  Will you have accounted for taxes and expenses in advance?  Or will it be up to your loved ones to sort it all out?  These are the essential questions involved in estate planning, and we strongly suggest a proactive approach. 

Asset Distribution

Tax Planning

Only one in three Canadians have a legal will.  Others typically avoid the subject because it's uncomfortable and they don't know where to start.  The problem is if you don't have a will or your estate fully mapped out, upon your passing your loved ones will be faced with the daunting task of distributing your assets and ensuring all taxes are paid.  The government will get involved and it can take years to get resolved.  Action now will spare your loved ones tremendous stress and assure your legacy is by your own design.  

Asset Distribution

Tax Planning

Only one in three Canadians have a legal will.  Others typically avoid the subject because it's uncomfortable and they don't know where to start.  The problem is if you don't have a will or your estate fully mapped out, upon your passing your loved ones will be faced with the daunting task of distributing your assets and ensuring all taxes are paid.  The government will get involved and it can take years to get resolved. Action now will spare your loved ones tremendous stress and assure your legacy is by your own design.  

"Your financial expertise has provided for increased financial protection while at the same time reduced exposure to taxation"

Sid Landolt
President, S&P Destination Properties

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